Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random Rambling

I haven't blogged in an incredibly long time. I actually kinda miss it. 

No, i don't have excuses to why I haven't been writing. It's not like I'm busy or anything, even though I like to tell myself that I am. It's Summer, so I've pretty much been waking up at 11:00am, lounging in my pjs until I feel like getting changed, hanging out with Soriya, and watching Dance Moms and Falling Skies. I know, I know, I'm so productive. You should be incredibly jealous. 

Oh, and I've also been writing books and music. That's very fun. 

Anywho, I've started writing a second book to go along with the first one I finished. Gah, still haven't gotten around to editing the first one completely. But I will, I promise. I just don't exactly know when. But I missed my characters really, really badly, and needed to start writing about them again. It sounds to weird to miss your own fictional characters, but trust me, you really begin to after awhile. Here's a small excerpt from the book I'm currently writing: 

   "What's the matter?" Gavin asks me, his clear tone breaking the silence. The words hang in the air, almost as if time has frozen. But I know that in reality, time is still ticking by. The feel of Gavin's heartbeat proves so.
    His dark, intense eyes meet my emerald ones. Now is the moment of truth. Do I tell him? Do I confide in him the way I used to with Chase? Do I accept that he can be trusted, that he won't leave me with raw and opened wounds? It's a difficult thing, finding an answer the problems like these. 
    The inside of my mouth has started bleeding right below my lower lips. It's a nervous habit, it guess. I've always done it, and probably always will. The iron tang of blood spreads throughout my tongue, giving it a permanent unpleasant taste for the moment. "I'm fine," I lie, still tasting the remnants of my fearful nerves on my taste buds.

  Blahhhh. It's not great, but I guess it's better than nothing.
 So yeah, haha, real interesting blog post:P Is there anything in particular you'd like me to write about? If so, let me know:D 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Perfect is overrated...or so i try to tell myself

  There are so many people in this world who look in the mirror, and when they see their reflection, feel terrible. Disgusted even. I include myself when I say "people." We all desire one thing:

  We want to be perfect.

  How would you describe perfect? What would be your definition? Here's what Urban Dictionary says: 

  per·fect /ˈpərfikt/Adjective: Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
 Did you read that? Did you read the whole description? Yeah, perfect is impossible. It can't be attained no matter how hard we try. You see, our generation lives in insecurity. We rank ourselves based on what other people. I'm not even joking when this is how many of our lives are like: "Oh, she's heavier than me, so that means I'm thin," or, "Her ugliness makes me look pretty. I don't have to worry." It's sad. It's so sad the way some people today function. 

  But even if we have ranked ourselves higher than other people, there's always someone in our mind who we'll never beat. There's always someone who has more perfect teeth, a thinner body, and\or prettier hair. And as long as we don't beat those people, we're ugly to ourselves. We're broken, angry, and horrified by the way we look. We only want to be perfect, and nothing else.  

  We also look to famous people. Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, Emma Stone---really, the list could go on and on. We look to these people and instantly feel insecure. We see their pictures online and just think, "I will never beat that." But why are we comparing ourselves to this picture: 

When really, Taylor Swift actually looks like this?!:


  Tantalizing desire of perfection has always lingered in my mind, never leaving me alone and causing unrealistic dreams to form. To myself, I am nowhere near good enough. I don't even qualify as good. Why?  My answer: Because inside my mind, there is a picture of a girl. She's flawless: thin, gorgeous, and has everything it takes. She is my creation of perfect , the girl I desire to be. Deep down inside I know that I will never be her, it is impossible. She's perfect, and perfect doesn't exsist in  anyone's reality, much less mine. But I strive to be more like her, to look and act like her.  What are my results? Disappointment. I am never nearly as flawless as the girl in the back of my mind. I try to tell myself that doesn't matter, that she isn't real...and sometimes it works. And then sometimes, I'm not as successful. 

  What I've learned is that your main goal in life shouldn't be to become perfect. You'll never reach it. My mind used to be made of one word: Perfect, perfect, perfect. I would be lying if I said I don't ever think that anymore, because I do. A lot. But when I'm feeling stress to be perfect, I remember something my aunt once told me forever ago: "I'm not perfect, but I'm still good."

  Trust me. It helps. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

What i do in my spare time

  What do i do in my spare time? That's obviously what I'm talking about seeing as though my title is called, "What i do in my spare time."

  Here's what I do: I wrestle alligators, fly jets, visit Europe every other month, have a lunch date with Josh Hutcherson once a week, scuba dive twice a year in the Bahamas, star in movies, write and produce albums, and sword fight.

  Well, that's what I wish I did. Unfortunately, that's not the case for me.

  So what the Finnick do I do in my spare time? Well, for starters, I think about The Hunger Games quite a lot...

  But one of the things I enjoy the most is to sing. Honestly, I don't think I ever stop. The only times I really ever stop singing is when I'm either threatened to be hit\hurt\etc, or when I'm doing something else where I can't possibly even sing(like running). I rarely stop singing. It comes as natural to me as breathing does.

  I act. Yuppp, I'm an actor. Whether it's memorizing monologues for and audition, memorizing Katniss monologues just for the fun of it, or directing little scenes and then performing them with my siblings---I act a lot. I absolutely love it.

  I also love to write, and I do it constantly. Right now(as you all know), I'm working on editing my book. Because I'm not done editing the first one yet, I really don't feel like starting the second one. I mean, I feel like starting it---but at the same time it just seems like a lot of work. Right now, I'm working on writing short little Hunger Games headcannons. It's really fun, and lets me write as much as I want. Here's an example of a few of my little stories: *MAJOR SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED EVERY BOOK*

  This is the first one: The doorbell rang, so reluctantly, Katniss got off the couch to answer it.

Instead of finding anyone standing there, a big fancy box had been placed neatly on the porch. Standing there, Katniss awkwardly carried the heavy package in her arms and back into the house.

She looked for a name labeled on it to indicate who it was from. She found nothing. Instead, she found an envelope with her name written in crisp cursive. The letter read: "Dear Katniss, you left many belongings back in District 13. Plutarch wanted to put them on display and showcase them as "The Mockingjay's" possessions...I knew you'd wouldn't want that to happen. -Paylor"

Slowly and carefully, Katniss tore the tape on the box. Inside, she found her old Mockingjay suit, Cinna's note he had written to her, the old laser she used to use to play with Buttercup, and other random things.

Paylor was right, she didn't want these things on display---but she didn't want to keep them either. Each item reminded Katniss too much of the hardships she had been trying to forget. She knew it they would be impossible to completely erase from her memories altogether, but these possessions only help stain them in her mind.

Walking to the fire place, Katniss lifted the box above her head to throw into the embers. But before disposing of it, she doubled checked the box. When she looked in it, the box fell out of her hands, clattering on the wood floor.

Inside the container she scarcely made out a small letter tucked inside the pocket of an old sweater. The hand writing was impossible not to place immediately. She knew her little sister's writing better than anyone else did.

Hands shaking uncontrolably, Katniss picked up the envelope. Her name was written in clean, delicate letters with mockingjays surrounding it. Hardly daring to breathe, she unfolded the letter.

The date was listed at the top of the paper. With a shock, Katniss realized the date was only a few days before her sister's death. Taking a deep breath, Katniss began to read:

"Dear Katniss, I am so proud of you. You are everything and more than what a big sister should be. When I eventually grow up, I want to be like you in every single possible way.

I know this has been so hard on you. You've been through everything imaginable...but you haven't given up yet. That's one of the many things I admire most about you.

I will always treasure the times we spent together when we were little. The songs you used to sing to me, the stories you would whisper at night---everything will forever remain in my memories. You took care of me when we were at such a low point in life. You acted like my mother, taking care of and loving me with your whole heart. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died a long time ago. And it's because of you that I will continue to live throughout these next, rough years."

All of the sudden, something inside Katniss's body exploded, sending tears running down her face. She was sobbing, clenching her middle to try to ease the pain.

Peeta came running down the stairs. "Katniss, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Not able to respond, she just pointed to the parchment in her hand. Instantly, he understood. Peeta lifted her on his lap, and held onto her tightly. "You don't have to finish reading it. I know how hard it must be for you."

"No. I need to finish it. For her. To always remeber her." Right then and there, Katniss was positive she had to finish reading it. Just like she knew she had to finish Rue's song, she knew she had to finish Prim's letter. It was the only physical thing Katniss had to remember her young sister by. She kept reading:

"Katniss, you mean the world to me. I couldn't live without you. Everything you do inspires me and wants to make me keep going. That's why I decided to train to be a doctor. Everyone says I have a gift in healing that just cannot be wasted. And next year, they said I'm even going to evaluate to a full-time nurse. I'm so excited!

But Katniss, you have to promise me one thing. Just like you promised to try your best to win the Games, you have to promise me that you'll try your hardest to come home to. I don't even care what happens. All I care about is you coming back to me, that you're alive. If you died---I...I couldn't live. I need you by my side.

I have full confidence in you that you'll prove Snow wrong, that you'll triumph. I believe in you more than anyone.

Now...if something happens to me, you'll have this note to cherish. I promise I won't do anything risky, but if the time comes when it's my time to go, I want you to know that I love you so much. You are my best friend, and you mean the world to me.

This war will end soon. And as soon as it stops, you and I will be together again. We'll be able to see each other again, to live as close to old times as possible. It'll be you and me, Katniss. Us forever. Next time we meet, we'll both be in such a happier place. There'll be hope again. We'll be free.


Peeta held onto Katniss with his warmth and strength. That afternoon was bittersweet, mourning her, yet remembering all of the best memories Katniss could conjure: Prim's bright, blue eyes, her laughter, when her shirt would make her have a duck tale, the hugs she gave out, Prim's compassion, the way she could heal almost anything....

Katniss wished that she could've healed herself.

  Second one! Now take note that this one is Katniss writing a letter to Prim two years after she died:

  Dear Prim,

Today marked that day so long ago in our lives when we first had hope. Do you remember that day? The day when Peeta gave me bread, and we feasted on dandelion salads. I remember that day brought an immense amount of hope to the both of us.

Now, seeing that I have all of this money, I would throw a party. We would eat better than we ever have, and I'd finally buy you that one cake you always adored at the bakery. You know, the one with fudge frosting and delicate flowers and vines? That's the one I would get, the one you always wanted to look at and taste.

Today I actually brought myself to ask Peeta to make that cake. Off the top of his memory, he started baking it, then icing it with so much delicacy. We placed it on the end of the table together and waited for you to come. It wouldn't be right to eat it without you here...eventually, Peeta gave a small portion of it to your mangy, old cat because he was begging so incredibly loud for some. With the rest of the cake, we crumbled it in our palms and scattered it throughout the garden of primroses that we have dedicated to you. Now you can eat as much of it as you want.

In under two months, it will be your fifteenth birthday. What do you want me to get for you? I'll get you anything you ask for...I would do anything I possibly could just to see you open my present and smile. I have an idea of what I'll buy for you. I think you'll love it.

How are the angels treating you up there? Are they transforming you into the princess I already knew you were? Or have you sprouted wings and joined them while they fly about?

It brings me so much comfort that you can't be hurt anymore. You've lived such a painful life, and you're finally safe. You guessed it right, Prim. You are free now. You're completely free, little duck.

As for me, I'm half and half. The nightmares will never leave me, and neither will the pain I feel inside. But I have Peeta, and we comfort each other. I also know you're doing well, which is one of the best things I could ever know.

Primrose, I miss you. I know that you're in a happier place, but I can still feel the pain. There's still a gaping whole in my heart that no one can fill but you. Sometimes, I sing the song to myself that I used to sing you to sleep with. The lyrics let you visit me once again, and I get caught up in the moment. But I can't sing forever, and once I stop, the pain is overwhelming.

I hope while you're in heaven the angels throw a birthday party for you. I'll make sure Peeta gives them the recipe to that cake you always wanted to try. You deserve it more than anyone.

We all miss you here. Every once in awhile, Haymitch even says he would love to see your face again. Buttercup misses you as well. Sometimes I swear he says your name when looking at your pictures. Don't worry, you're stupid old cat and I are friends now. Once he realized you really were gone, he learned to deal with me. I'm no Prim to him, but I still feed him scraps and occasionally scratch behind his ears. Peeta sometimes even bakes him cakes made with cat food. Buttercup loves that a lot.

Since you can't answer me anymore, and I am also aware that you won't be reading this either, I'm just going to assume that those angels are taking care of you. That they're making your life in the sky better than anything on earth.

I used to only think of protecting you and keeping you from death's grasp. Keeping you alive was my main goal in life. But what I've come to learn is that your painless life now is so much better than your reality in District 12 and 13 ever was. You've won this battle against pain, Prim. You can't be hurt any longer. You've finally won!

To say the least, I miss you. I would pay any price to be able to hug you again. Someday we'll see each other. And when we do, I'll take your old cat with me. He loves you so much.

But not as much as I love you. I don't think that's possible for any other living creature to do.

~Your big sister, Katniss

  so there you have it. That 'tis a glimpse of what Charis Elisabeth Latshaw in her spare time.

Friday, February 24, 2012

My never fail guide to succeed in having good day.(It might not work for you...but it ALWAYS works for me)

  Have you guys ever had a really bad day? 

  Holy goodness, that sounds so dumb. We've ALL had bad days. But what I mean is: Have you ever had a really bad day, but there really isn't any reason for it to be bad? Like, the sun's shining outside, the birds are singing, everyone around you is happy, but you just feel like crud? Yeah, that happens to me a lot. A lot. 

  Now don't worry. I'm not having a bad day today. (surprise, surprise.) But Tuesday to Thursday? *shudder* Those days weren't too good. 

  Because I'm not having a bad day today, I'm going to give you a list of things that make me really happy. I know, I'm so nice. Let's go: 

  Hello, folks. Welcome to Charis's wonderful how-to-make-a-bad-day-a-good-one book. (Well, not really a book. More like a blog post....but, I'm pretty sure you get my point.) 

First scenario: You're at your house doing math on the computer, and you feel insane inside. Now, You could just keep answering your problems, which would probably be the most beneficial thing to do....Or you could look at pictures of...*pause for affect.*

 Josh Hutcherson. To make you the most happy, you should look at pictures of Josh. Preferably this one:  (This picture always makes me giggle and smile like an idiot. Am I in love? Why, yes. Yes.I.Am.)

  Second scenario: To add to your already bad day, you find that you have absolutely NOTHING in your house for lunch, even though your mom insists she just went to the grocery store...You could, (a., Eat some nice, healthy vegetables...Or you could, (b., eat a chocolate bar. If you want to get out of a bad mood, you should probably eat a chocolate bar. Get this biggest available bar you can find! 

Third scenario: If you feel like crying...don't just cry over your life. Cry over something worth-while like Mockingjay. Something that will make you bawl, but will ALSO warm your heart. Turn to my favorite page if you want: 

   Fourth scenario: Are you feeling lovesick? Do you want to experience someone loving you? Well, you can't make someone magically appear and start hugging you...but, you can read a really adorable love scene! I suggest either a really cute scene between Katniss or Peeta, or one between Fang and Max. You can't go wrong either way<3 

  Fifth scenario: Are you in the need of a good laugh? Well, I've got just the thing for you!! (the longer you look, the funnier it gets!) 

  Six scenario: If none of these things have helped you so far, then this will: go to one of your best friends. I find that they always have the right answers and can help you out more than you could ever wish for. Lillic(more commonly known as Lyric) Soriya, and Rachel Martin: I love you more than you know. You guys are the best friends a girl could ever ask for, and I am SO HAPPY to have you in my life. You guys know what to say, how to help me out, and how to make me feel loved. I will never be able to repay you<3

  So there you have it! That's how to make a bad day turn into a good one...I mean, at least for me:)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Winter Retreat 2012

  So...this weekend was really amazing. Like so freaking amazing that I can't even describe it. But for your sake, I'll try my hardest to describe an accurate picture. 

  For those of you who don't know, this weekend I went on my first Winter Retreat. And for those of you who who really don't know, the Winter Retreat is a retreat that my youth group at my church goes on once a year to encounter God and to grow in Him. And for those of you who are absolutely clueless, " youth group" is a group that takes place once a week at my church with only teenagers. We worship God, listen to teachings, etc. 

  This year was my first time at the Winter Retreat. I am completely and totally happy that I decided to go. Here's my experience: 

  Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. (Ahaha, do you like that use of The Sound of Music?!) Anyway, we all had to be at church by around twelve in the afternoon. Everyone packed up their luggage, and picked a car to ride in. I rode with two of my best friends, Soriya and Rachel. The ride up was really fun. Also: I deserve to brag about this because I totally beat everyone in holding my breath all the way through a really long tunnel. WOOT! IN YOUR FACE! (Sorry, just had to get that outta my system) 

  So, we got to the Poconos after three and a half hours. The place itself was pretty awesome. We found our cabin, unpacked, and just hung out. 

 And then...then we had our first dinner. 

  I have no idea what I was expecting. Maybe I was expecting to be served like Katniss while she was at the Capitol---but that's totally NOT how it was. The very opposite, to be exact. The food was awful. Now, other people may disagree, but I'm totally spoiled because my mom cooks homemade meals pretty much every day. So, yeah...I guess you could say I'm sort of picky. But there's just something about total stranger plopping globs of food on your plate and eating it. And if you find a hair in one meal(like I did) it's even worse. Maybe that's why I didn't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner on Saturday. So yeah, i didn't like the food, BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT.

  Alright, back to the topic. Sorry to get all worked up. So where are we? 

  Oh right, I just finished talking about the food. Anyways, after dinner, every teenager filed into the main meeting room for worship. 

  Worship was fantastic. Seriously--that was definitely a highlight of the week. You could really feel God's presence there. So many kids there were so passionate about worship that it was just amazing. Hands were raised in the air, so many of the kids singing their hearts out. Pretty epic:) 

  After worship, our speaker Robby Dawkins shared his first teaching. To say the least, Robby is amazing. I could listen to him teach forever. You can just tell that he can totally sense the Holy Spirit and has a great relationship with God. That alone is just so freaking awesome. 

  Throughout the weekend, Robby spoke on power evangelism. Every story he shared was powerful and sometimes really hilarious. I mean, the guys goes to the most dangerous spots and is basically like, "Can I pray for you?" And the mind blowing part is, is that most of the people he prays for get healed. 

  When he was done teaching, he has kids pray for other kids. And what I really realized is that you don't have to be an pastor to heal people through God. You don't even have to be an adult. 

  Putting that thought into action, I prayed for several people that got healed. One girl I prayed for had a sprained jaw that was really painful, and kept popping. She was really stressed out because she was helping lead worship in two days. So I prayed for her three times: And just like that, God healed her. There was no more pain. 

  After the meeting, we all went to our cabins that aren't exactly super clean or nice. But it was enough for me. We went to sleep quickly at around 2:30 and woke up at seven twenty the next day. 

  The rest of the weekend went really well. It closely followed the plan of the first day, only we had workshops and lat night worship. 

  Workshops went really well....And, er, part of it was hilarious: Casey Duzan. I don't really think I need to explain myself any further. Well, let's just say that apparently he really likes artificial fur;)

  Late night worship was really great too. Amazing, actually. So powerful...So awesomely powerful! 

  So, we left around noon-ish on Monday. But--before we left Kyle decided to have a piggy-back-ride race, so we did that. And then Casey pushed Soriya and me down. Grreeaaaaattt idea. 

  Anyway, it was sad to leave, but I think I cried for joy when I saw a steaming, delicious pile of homemade pasta sitting in front of me when I got home. But, the trip was amazing. Here's what I got out of the trip: 

1. My relationship with God is right now stronger than it ever has been. 
2. I learned that kids can make a difference. A big difference. 
3. I learned that God has the power to allow me to heal people through Him

  I also got closer to my friends, which was really great. 

  Now, just to clarify, I'm not saying that now I'm perfect or anything. Or that I'm this ultra-strong Christian that never wants to have fun, and will never ever break rules or complain again...Because I know that no one can ever be perfect. It's impossible. What I'm saying is that through God I fell more at peace, stronger, and more able. 

  This was a life changing trip. I will never look at God the same way again. <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012

23 things that I can't stand

  Hello again, people of earth...

  Or if you're an alien, I'll welcome you as well. You don't necessarily need to be from earth. I hope my bad wording didn't offend you guys. 

  Anyway, today snow finally fell. And then it melted. And now it's slush. Ugly slush. Very disappointing to a girl who wishes for a lot of snow. But unfortunately, I have to deal with it. So, that's enough to make me semi frustrated\annoyed. And that's why I decided to do this particular post.

  So today, I'm going to blog about things that annoy me. Really, if you know me well, you should know that 90% of the things on this world annoy the heck out of me. The list could go on and on and on and on and on. I'm going to make a list for you guys today. It may or may not go on and on and on and on and on...we'll see. 

  If you ever hang out with me, you probably shouldn't do, say, or get any of these things while with me, or you might just end up with a broken arm. You might---just warning you. But some of these things that annoy me are things that you guys can't prevent from happening. Whatever. The majority of things on my list are all things that YOU can choose to make happen or not. You guys should really use this post as a guideline if you're ever around me. It will help you re-think what you've done in the past to me, help you make your decisions in the present time, and seriously--if you do any of these things AFTER reading this blog post, i will seriously be ticked off. So, here we go: 

- I hate it when people try to make something a really big deal when really it's not. It totally gets to me. I think, "Just suck it up and continue and stop crying like a baby." 

- I really, really dislike Justin Bieber.  I don't like his voice, his looks, or (blah) his music. Really I could've written the song, "Baby," when i was five. So, no, unlike half the teenage girls in the world, i DON'T have a shrine to Bieber in my room. I literally want to get a cardboard cutout of him and shoot it down with my arrows. 

- I hate the sound of people eating. Ugghhh, it makes me want to scream. 

- I hate blue pens. They. are. terrible. 

- I hate when people fake laugh. It's so annoying. 

- I can't tolerate when people text like this: "Hi bro. I hurd ur going 2 a movie 2day. cud i cme? ill b reads n a sec." please talk in plain American, please. 

- Whenever I read a romantic scene in a book, my right hand starts tingling and going into random spasms. I have to put down my kindle and take time to massage\stretch out my hand. As you can see, it gets pretty frustrating.

- I hate when things aren't fair. I HATE IT!

- I really don't like awkward conversations. They make me want to scream. so, if I ever just walk away during an awkward pause, you'll know why:p

- I hate the look people give me when I tell them I really like blood, gore, sharp items, etc. I feel like saying, "Look. I'm sorry I'm not the sweet, perfect little girl you thought I'd grow up to be. Get over it."

- My name is pronounced Care-iss, not Chair-iss. It's okay if you didn't know that before. Just, please don't slip up again, okay?

- I really don't like when I meet people for a first time, and they start telling me their life story. Dude, chill out. We just met three seconds ago.

- I hate it when I know people are talking about me behind their back. (I mean, who doesn't?!)

- I really don't like misbehaved children. Especially when I have to babysit them.

- I hate eggs, peanut butter, bananas, and whole wheat bread. Yuck!

- I hate the high-pitched voice people use when talking to animals. "Aww. Isn't she the sweetest thing? Oh, baby, come to Mama." It starts to get disturbing after awhile.

- I can't stand being in tight, concealed places. It makes my breathing pick up at a rapid place and chills spread up my arms. Not a good thing. 

- When people sing songs but they don't actually know the words--it really makes me annoyed. 

- I hate when people copy off of me. I had the idea, now use your brain to think of a new one. 

- I cannot take the duck face. Please, people, can we just smile normally for once? 

- I do not like rates, tbh, or truth is on facebook. I just like "liking" that kind of status if people who I don't know post them so that they have to give me a rate, tbh, or truth is when they don't even know me that well. Puts them in an awkward situation...

- I really hate when people put their statuses on facebook about something personal. Face your problems...don't facebook them. (*Stolen from my uncle)

- And most of all, I hate it when people tell me that I'm not going to marry Peeta Mellark.

There we have it, folks.  Twenty- three things that I hate. And believe me, the list can keep going on and on and on and on and on. But it won't. 'Til next time:)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Book.(Yeah, yeah: Boring title. Just suck it up and read, please.)

Alrighty, guys. Hi!

  Anyway, so most of you know that I'm writing my own book. Actually, I have written it, finished the first draft, all that jazz. The reason why not many people have read it, is because I'm lazy and don't feel like editing. But enough about me..let's talk about the book. 

  So, I've always loved to tell stories: when I was younger and my parents would write my words down, telling stories while a group of people gather around me, and also typing on the computer. To me, writing is a way to leave your life for a short amount of time. It allows you your only opportunity to become another person, body, mind, and spirit. I actually find myself missing my characters if I don't write for awhile. 

  The idea came to me when I was probably around eleven. I thought, "I'm going to write a book," which of course, I didn't do. I wrote what I though was a good chapter and a half, scrolled up the document, and found that I had written two pages. Two freaking tiny pages. I was going to go back and continue writing, but I sorta stopped after that. Whoops. 

  Even though my "chapter" was so tiny, I looked back at it around a year later and saw the beginning to some great possibilities. Of course, the actual writing was junk, but the idea--well, it wasn't too shabby. 

  The idea lingered in the back of my mind and wouldn't go away.  A voice inside my head was practically screaming at me to get up off my butt and start to work on writing. The thought was appealing to me, but I never really decided to pursue it. I mean, it's a lot of work to write a book. Plus, I didn't know if I was any good at writing...and what's the point of taking the time to do something when you're terrible at it? 

  Well, I proved to be not-so-terrible at writing. In fact, I took a writing course at Mt. Sophia and got really, really good scores. My teacher would constantly email my mom, telling her how impressed she was. One of my essays was even featured on the website!(eep!) 

  That's when I decided that I needed to start writing. Not just boring little essays, but a big book that I and I alone could decide what to do with it. 

  So, I got to work. A plot steadily began to work its way into my mind, weaving fabrics together to form a new world of a teenage girl that no one has ever seen before. Characters came to mind, along with different traits, appearances, and so on. It was just so dang fun. 

  And then, the actual writing started. I sat at the computer and typed away, breathing life into my outline. It surprised me how easily words came to mind, how smoothly everything flowed. I had finished a very very rough draft of my first chapter. And then I deleted it on accident. (*Sarcastically, i give myself a pat on the back.)

  To say the least, I freaked out. I yelled at everyone to get out of the room, and they did. Now probably what a normal teenage girl would do, would be to cry and accept hugs and encouraging messages like, "Don't worry--that happens to everyone! Just breathe in and out and start writing again." Did I do that, nope. Instead, I got incredibly angry and wanted to stab something with a knife. There we go, that's definitely more of my personality.  For a minute, I thought that it was over, that this was a sure sign that I should stop. 

  Instead, I swallowed my self-pity, gritted my teeth, and re-wrote the first chapter. Believe it or not, I actually liked it better than the first draft I had deleted. 

  From there, it just went on. I didn't stop. I developed a love for writing. Every night, I would flop down into my bed, grab my phone, flipping the keyboard open my phone provided me with. (Yes, I know. I wrote the book a 400 page book on a phone. Craziness,) I would write and write and write. My parents thought it was pretty funny how i ended up writing the whole book on my phone. They say they'll get the laptop fixed.(A little late on that decision, guys) 

  And now, now I'm focusing on making a short promo trailer for my book. If you'd like to audition for it, email me at 

  So there we have it, everyone. That's how I wrote a book. That's how i got the idea, imagined the plot, deleted the first chapter(*I'm sighing a  long, freaking annoyed sigh right now FYI), and finished writing a 400 page book. 

  Excuse me while I go pretend to edit:)